
Managers versus Leaders

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Principles of Management



Steyn Mashabane
Steyn Mashabane, South Africa

Managers versus Leaders

Not all managers are good leaders and not all leaders are good managers. We need to develop both managers and leaders to realize the vision and mission of the company.


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  arwin sushil
arwin sushil, India

Managers versus Leaders

Managers love to follow details while leaders point towards the right broad direction.

  solomon cabrera
solomon cabrera, Philippines

Not All Managers are Good Leaders and not All Leaders are Good Managers

It is real true that not all leaders are good managers. As leader you lead (pull) people. Managers focus more on performance. Managers can also perform as leaders but they rely more on authority (push).

  Narendra C.Sawant
Narendra C.Sawant
Project Manager, India

Difference between Leaders and Managers

Leaders believe in empowerment versus manangers follow delegation.
Good leaders can be judged on the number of people they have developed.

Manager, India

Managers more Important than Leader

I think managers are the backbone of the organization.
Because at the end execution is most important. Leaders just make a decision out of various alternatives. I don't know why people admire leaders, just for choosing 1 decision. And even they themselves don't know wether the decision is correct or not.
An organization needs good managers rather than a leader for success.

WAHBI, Morocco

Managers versus Leaders

A leader anticipates change by emotional and rational intellect; however the manager likes to standardize things to ensure better control.

  nafisa khatoon
nafisa khatoon

How Managers are Unlike Leaders

Leaders are the ones who create vision, mission and set directions of an organisation, they also act as a role model with their ethical behavior and their personal involvement in planning, communicating.
A manager's job starts after the work of a leader is over. Managers execute the leader's plan. In order to become a good leader one has to be a good manager.

CEO, France

Manager versus Leader

Managers run a business on a daily basis, while leaders give the business direction, a sense of appropriateness, and set the mission on the long run.
But, the difference is not systematic. Managers can be leaders too, and leaders can run organizations.
As the world is currently becoming more risk adverse and full of uncertainties people are going to expect also from the leader to give insights and lead the way in the uncertainties.

  Sripathy K.R
Sripathy K.R, India

Leaders versus Managers

The reactions are acceptable and good. All managers are not necessarily leaders, but all leaders can be managers.
Leadership qualities are present in many people irrespective of their position.
Managers are basically problem solvers, no problems the team of managerial positions in any organisation can be cut down by >50%. Managers have to be doing not more than 20% of routine, train and delegate the routines, control the critical success factors (CSFs), facilitate development and encourage learning, so that the juniors will take up the responsibility. Effective managers are those who are dispensible - things go smooth in their absence, few or no phone calls/complaints will be received during their absence from customers, suppliers, people etc. Good managers are gauged by both their efficiency and their effectiveness.

  Pravesh SAWON
Pravesh SAWON

Managers versus Leaders

I am of opinion that many employees working in an organization possess leadership characteristics germinated in them through their long years of experience. However, they are not always given the opportunity to express their leadership within the organization.
All employees should be empowered at their level to bring new changes in the mindset and approach of doing business. Either innovate or evaporate.

Manager, India

Liked your Point

@Chakradhar: dear sir, I liked your comment. I was in a thought that leaders are better than managers. Now I am convinced about your point.

  Amar Deep Seetohul
Amar Deep Seetohul
Manager, Mauritius

Leadership is the Ambition of Managers

I believe that the manager having leadership qualities is what should be the ideal but we are not living in an ideal world. So leadership should be the ambition of top management.

Consultant, United States

Leaders and Managers have Different Authority Bases

The debate/dialog on the differences between and/or the correlation of leadership to management has been ongoing for at least five decades.
A Yahoo or Google search of the phrase “leaders vs. managers” yields nearly 21 million hits. So there is plenty of material on the net about the subject, but the debate is long from being over.
One important concept to think about regarding Leaders vs. Managers is the different Authority Bases that leaders and managers operate from. I believe that leaders operate from the Authority of Relevance, whereas managers operate from the Authority of Rank:
  • The underpinnings of the Authority of Relevance are things like Vision, Character, Confidence, Charisma, Leadership Communications, extensive Expertise & Knowledge, Timeliness, and wide-ranging, diverse Networks.
    Authority of Relevance stresses the company becoming a “Learning Organization” and pushes employee growth through self-development!
  • The Authority of Rank is characterized by the Position (Rank) of the person in the organization, Seniority (time put In), Scope of Power to meet out Rewards & Punishments, Security, Connections (up & down the organizational chart), and Directives to subordinates. Authority of Rank stresses rule enforcement to meet production and quality standards!
One more point really clarifies the difference between leaders and managers and their power bases: The Authority of Rank is external and can be stripped away from a manager in one decision, whereas the Authority of Relevance is internal and can never be taken away from a leader unless he compromises his character and principles.

   Jolanta Sz
Jolanta Sz
Professor, Poland

Managers versus Leaders - Formal and Informal Authority Bases

@Jack Cook: Yes, the dispute about this topic is almost eternal. You've pinpointed the main and most important difference: their bases of authority.
In my lectures I always tell my students the shortest difference between the two: management is based on formal authority, leadership on the informal one.
In other words a manager carries his function as long as his bosses like him to be one. The leader is leading as long as his supporters want him to do so (and it may change from one day to another). The position of a leader is much less stable than the managerial one. Leaders in organizations are often in opposition to the formal management, building their position just by being opponents to managers. It is very difficult to be manager and leader at the same time.

  David Wilson
David Wilson
Manager, Canada

The Current Environment Needs Leaders - Managers

Is there a difference? Should there be a difference? Do leaders manage and managers lead? Is the captain of a ship a manager or a leader? I would argue that there should be no difference. However, man...

   Jolanta Sz
Jolanta Sz
Professor, Poland

Managers being Leaders is a Romantic View

@David Wilson: Wonderful wishful thinking: -)) - a manager being a leader - always and everywhere. I wish it could be true but it isn't and never will be. Theories we all know and managers most of us...

CEO, France

Managers Develop into Leaders

Remember, in business organizations leaders typically start as managers. They move along a leadership pipeline. As they develop and mature, leaders add new dimensions to their management role, such a...

  claudio pizzi
claudio pizzi
Business Consultant, Argentina

Leaders are Politally Incorrect Persons

Dear all, all comments are very interesting. We have a big problem when we wish to link a manager with a leader. Of course, the best person is the manager-leader in order to guide a teamwork, but you...

  David Wilson
David Wilson
Manager, Canada

Are the Standards for a Manager-leader Too Low?

Organizations need managers who are leaders, and leaders who are managers. Anything less than this results in a less than great organization. While many managers are not leaders, and many leaders are ...

  claudio pizzi
claudio pizzi
Business Consultant, Argentina

A Leader is a Nexus

Great points of view. Please, let me introduce a concept. I think a leader is the nexus between the organization and its employees. They are the apostles of the organization's vision and organization...

  Phanindra Sai A
Phanindra Sai A

What Managers and Leaders Have in Common

A leader and a manager share many similarities. For example both leaders and managers are involved in decision-making, influencing, teamwork, and are working towards achieving the desired objectives. ...

  Dali Horeshka
Dali Horeshka
Business Consultant, Albania

Commonalities of Managers and Leaders

Managers look after the tactics to achieve objectives. Leaders look after the strategies to achieve objectives. They are in different positions with the same values of a given organisation for the s...

  claudio pizzi
claudio pizzi
Business Consultant, Argentina

Required Dose of Charisma for Managers and Leaders

Charisma is generally defined as a natural ability to seduce and attract people. As people are different, this feature may be more or less present. I'm trying to highlight differences, not to do math....

CEO, France

Leader Versus Managers

@David Wilson: I agree fully with you regarding the absence of clear cuts between these 2 functions. Managers manage and leaders lead. If you need to see the future of your business go through the le...

  claudio pizzi
claudio pizzi
Business Consultant, Argentina

Intangible Benefits Of the Leader

Thanks all for your excellent inputs so far. I think managers are committed by efficiency and through this point by productivity, but if you want to produce an extraordinary performance, you need lead...

CEO, France

How to Measure Leadership?

Maybe you could count the number of followers, also the job of leaders is to render what is invisible into visible - perhaps you could find a visibility indicator. Also, comparing manager/leader inta...

  Dali Horeshka
Dali Horeshka
Business Consultant, Albania

The Dose of Charisma Embodied to Leader and Managers

@Claudio Pizzi : Determination of the dose of charisma is a very complex issue. In my perception, what determines the dose is the need showed with a number of days or hours of time managers and leader...

  Mends Wiafe
Mends Wiafe
CEO, Ghana

Managers Build Control, Leaders Build Esprit de Corps

Not all managers are leaders. Managers who are not a leader build and rely on control. Soon they destroy the esprit de corps of their organizations. Leaders build esprit de corps of their organizatio...

CEO, France

Managers Build Control....

Yes, you are right ''not all managers are leaders" (some are more than others): - Leadership is a trust act or result of a leadership action between the followers and the leader. - Managers do not n...

  Osama Kamal
Osama Kamal
Management Consultant, Egypt

Mix of Managers and Leaders Needed

Leaders know what to do strategically and urge people to reach it. Managers know how to do it, and are procedure- and process-oriented. To succeed, we need a mix in the organization of managers and ...

  Nowbuth Satyavan Anuj Kumar
Nowbuth Satyavan Anuj Kumar, Mauritius

The Roles of Managers and Leaders

Managers are the backbone of any organisation, while the binding element in the backbone remains the spinal cord - the leader....

CEO, France

Leaders Do the Right Thing, Managers Do Things Right

@Nowbuth Satyavan Anuj Kumar: I like your comment. Remember also that managing is about doing things right, while leadership is about doing the right things....

  Nowbuth Satyavan Anuj Kumar
Nowbuth Satyavan Anuj Kumar, Mauritius

The Manager Leader — A New Paradigm

The degree of authenticity determines the life of he organism which the backbones supports. The moment the manager starts navigating in the ocean of authenticity, s/he can be said to have grown the se...

  claudio pizzi
claudio pizzi
Business Consultant, Argentina

Leaders Don't Necessarily Follow the Rules

A manager is a person that knows what is the limit between the rules of the company and the rules of the team. There are extreme situations in which we must choose between the company or the team. For...

  Julius B. Bertillo
Julius B. Bertillo
Professor, Bahrain

Difference Between Leaders and Managers

@Narendra C. Sawant: Leaders are the ones who lead by example over others and are most influential in an organization. However, certain managers manage the entire organization. That means such manage...

  Amirruddin Baba
Amirruddin Baba

About the Difference between Leadership and Management

- Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing the right things. - Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against th...

  Salma Fazly
Salma Fazly, Sri Lanka

Differences Between Leaders and Managers

Here are some short differences between the traditional stereotypes: - Leaders have followers versus managers have subordinates. - Leaders are personal versus managers are positional. - Leaders' fu...

Consultant, United States

Leaders & Managers

Additionally to what I posted before (@JACK COOK), - Leaders accrue followers who admire and respect the person. Managers accrue subordinates who adhere to the person's directions and orders. - Lead...

  Alan Kennedy
Alan Kennedy, Canada

We Need to Focus on Training Better Leaders and Managers

@David Wilson: I agree with your position that arguing the differences between a leader and a manager is probably not the relevant issue and speaks more to the newness of strategic management as a di...

  Hilda Mohlotsane
Hilda Mohlotsane, Botswana

Leadership and Management

@Pravesh SAWON: I really agree with you and that means for an organisation to be successful, the manager should be able to sit down with employees who are also leaders on a lower level and be able to ...

Consultant, United States

Leadership & Managers

@Alan Kennedy: I agree every manager by definition is a leader and indeed that belief in no way guarantees that a manager will in fact demonstrate effective leadership. Titles and positions convey the...

  Ruwan Bandara
Ruwan Bandara
Manager, Sri Lanka

Leaders versus Managers

Leaders win followers' minds and hearts. For example Hitler in Germany and Gandhi in India were effective leaders who both won followers' minds and hearts for war and for non-violence. Hitler did achi...

   Jolanta Sz
Jolanta Sz
Professor, Poland

Leaders Not Always Very Useful

@Chakradhar: Of course, you're right. The backbone of the organization are its managers. Leaders can be useful although more often, they are in opposition to formal authorities thus being not so usefu...

  Phanindra Sai A
Phanindra Sai A

10 Differences Between Managers and Leaders

1. Managers have employees. Leaders win followers. 2. Managers react to change. Leaders create change. 3. Managers have good ideas. Leaders implement them. 4. Managers communicate. Leaders inspire ...

  Dr. Alan Williams
Dr. Alan Williams
Professor, Thailand

Managers and Leaders Need Different Skill Sets. Some People Have them Both.

There is clearly managerial work and there is clearly leadership work, they have a different purpose. You can find positions which are totally managerial and have no real leadership responsibilities a...

  Cuniah Shikshah
Cuniah Shikshah, Mauritius

Manager versus Leader

A manager is the one who caters for the proper running of the business and a leader is the person who drives the personnel to achieve the objectives of the managers successfully....


Leaders Inspire Managers

Both managers and leaders are important. Managers are in the battle field looking into the present and are inspired by leaders who anticipate the future and prepare the organization for growth....

Warenburg, Netherlands

The Different Drives of Managers and Leaders

My opinion is that most "managers" operate by ego and chase their own success and career. It is a "created" situation". A manager is a tool to achieve succes/targets/give instruction. A leader is a p...

  Pierre Lesage
Pierre Lesage
Student (University), Canada

Leader and Manager

The leader is Noah who asked to bring a pair of every animal species in his ark. The manager is Noah asking to ensure that the elephants do not see what the rabbits do....

hind, Morocco

Leader versus Manager

@solomon cabrera: I think it’s totally different. A leader is a model type to follow. It means he pushes followers by giving them the right means to work as well as opportunity to give their own ideas...

  Karen Iacino
Karen Iacino
Manager, United States

Managers versus Leaders

@Chakradhar: Most managers are leaders. They may not be administration, top leaders but they do lead their coworkers and make important decisions that lead an organization towards goals and success. I...

  Romuald Kepa
Romuald Kepa, Poland

Recommended Reading

Please read: What Leaders Really Do - J P Kotter, HBR, Dec 2001....

Jerome, South Africa

Leaders versus Managers

A leader is someone who can work/guide people in a certain direction where the individual feels he/she wants to go. They would feel comfortable following such direction. A leader will take ownership f...

  Jorge Avila
Jorge Avila, Mexico

A Man Gotta Do, what a man Gotta Do

If a team has plenty of talented people, it needs a leader who sets the target, and makes them focus on the goal; some management has to be done in order to keep time and cost under target. But somet...

  Philip Laurette
Philip Laurette
United States

You Manage Things and Lead People

These are not mutually exclusive categories or disciplines. Managers can also be leaders and vice-versa. Some people are better at one than the other but both are necessary to a well-run organization....

  Jeffrey Hewes
Jeffrey Hewes, United States

Leaders versus Managers

Leaders inspire, coach and mentor. Managers dictate, control and require authority. Who would you rather work for? If you hire talented people, set expectations and coach them to success you will n...

  Danford Mapp
Danford Mapp, Trinidad and Tobago

Aspects of Management versus Leadership

All leaders are managers i.e. they have to manage people and situations if they are to be effective leaders. Not all managers are leaders. True leadership is about INSPIRATION! When the people we lead...

Entrepreneur, India

Vision of Manager and Leader

The manager's vision is limited to the short term, whereas the leader has a long-term vision....

CEO, Mexico

Management versus Leadership Roles

The leader finds the way and makes it happen. Meanwhile the manager takes control on what happens. Everyone has their own role. Both roles are required to reach success....

  Bernhard Keim
Bernhard Keim
Business Consultant, Germany

The Difference is not Between a Manager and a Leader

I regard the discussion whether a leader is superior to a manager as pretty useless. There are good and bad managers, and no leader will succeed if he is not a good manager. The main difference is th...

  Peter Jetter
Peter Jetter
Coach, Germany

Leadership and Management, Overlapping Aspects/perspectives

To me, management is based on the assumption, that desired outcomes can be reliably achieved by applying white box approaches (i understand how the whole system works, have all relevant information an...

  Jonathan Narducci
Jonathan Narducci, United States

Managers versus Leaders

@Phanindra Sai A: Good list. But I believe the third one is backwards. Leaders tend to create visions through ideas of their own or others or both and set up goals and objectives for the resulting "i...

  gadifele veronica molefe
gadifele veronica molefe, Botswana

Why Leaders Need to be Managers as Well

@David Wilson: I do agree that managers should also be leaders. When a leader devises strategic directions like the mission, vision, goal and objectives etc. without understanding how or ensuring that...

  Tom Wilson
Tom Wilson
HR Consultant, United States

Fayol's Principles Were Created to Improve Management by Leaders

Managers believe there is a difference between leaders and managers and leaders believe they must become better managers....

Lecturer, Nigeria

Leaders Must Have Good Management Skills

I agree an essential part of the traits of a good leader is to have excellent managerial skills as vision can only see you halfway. Follow-up is very essential for completion. If we are discussing ide...

  Ramji Sharma, PhD
Ramji Sharma, PhD
Professor, Nepal

Leaders are to Dream and Managers are to Wake Them up out of their Dream

Leaders are to dream; and managers are to wake them up out of their dream, making things happen. Therefore, an organization is successful not with a leader or a manager but with both......

  Friday O. Ngbodi
Friday O. Ngbodi
Student (MBA), Nigeria

Leaders are Vision Molders, Managers are Executors

Leaders are organization's vision molders while managers play the role of executors. The responsibility of reporting financial performance for a given time period to a higher authority rest on the sho...

  Ravi Krishnamurthy
Ravi Krishnamurthy
Consultant, India

Leaders versus Managers

Almost all business leaders raise up from the ranks, whether in the same company or in different companies. At junior levels you have to demonstrate managerial abilities to get noticed and promoted. A...

  Mayta Braun
Mayta Braun
Business Consultant, Netherlands

Leaders, Managers and Bosses

Leaders and managers are not in the same league. Because you lead people and manage things. And then you have different kind of leaders. Real leaders and bosses. The difference is that bosses say: 'G...

Accountant, Saudi Arabia

LEADERS are Followed; MANAGERS are Obeyed

A LEADER is one who knows the job and can mentor the subordinate when he/she is on the wrong side. So subordinates follow him with respect. On the other hand, a MANAGER is a "Jack of all trades, Mast...

  Dr. Chima  .S. Ugwulashi
Dr. Chima .S. Ugwulashi

Manager and Leader

A manager is a generalist while a leader is typically a specific goal achiever....

  Livy Makhubedu
Livy Makhubedu, South Africa

Leaders versus Managers

Leaders choose the path, while managers determine the number and the type of steps that need to be taken to travel the path.Good leaders have an ability to use followers' interests to craft the vision...


Managers versus Leaders

Managers are orientated to do things right and leaders to do the right things. Leaders encourage the hart and soul of the followers while managers organize resources....

  jorge anibal hoyos hoyos
jorge anibal hoyos hoyos
Manager, Colombia

To Become a Good Manager You Must Be the Best Leader

I wonder why do you rule out the manager's inner-self-leadership as the most important point into their profile to reach the results of a company, which is finally the most important target? You defin...

  Paul Steele
Paul Steele, Australia

Leadership versus Management

@Chakradhar: You need both effective leadership and efficient management to compete in any market today. It should not be 'versus' it should be about collaboration and dialogue. The real people who ...

  Tom Wilson
Tom Wilson
HR Consultant, United States

Supervisor as Front Line Leader

@Paul Steele: I agree with your comment. And, in those industries where supervisors have designated roles, those supervisors are the tactical leaders, so to speak, of the enterprise....

Lecturer, Nigeria

Managing versus Leading

@Paul Steele: you've hit the nail right. It's not competitive but collaborative. Most people learn and incorporate both skill sets to be effective....

  Rehmatullah Khan
Rehmatullah Khan, Pakistan

A leader Manages the Managers

Managers just accomplish the task with experience they earned from their seniors and through routine work whereas leaders are more visionary, analytical, creative and innovative in their approach. Als...

  Kiron Rao
Kiron Rao
General Manager, India

Warren Bennis on the Manager versus the Leader

There is a good summary provided by Warren Bennis in "On becoming a Manager" 1. A manager administers, a leader innovates. 2. A manager is a copy, a leader is an original. 3. A manager maintains, a...

  Ajay kapoor
Ajay kapoor, India

Manager versus Leader. LEADER Acronym

What is leadership? Someone who is able to lead people, influence people, command people and guide people. There are two type of leaders: Transaction leaders named managerTransformation leaders name...

  Bernhard Keim
Bernhard Keim
Business Consultant, Germany

The Great Leader - a Warning

After I have read the various contributions I just have to repeat my warning. The Great Leader theory is an illusion and it is dangerous. Stalin was undoubtedly a great leader, as was Hitler etc. They...

Consultant, Zambia

People don't Need to be Managed but Like to be Led

We manage things that have no feelings. People have feelings and hence as leaders we need to be aware of this as it can have a negative impact on the organisation. Some people may feel disrespected w...

  Titus Muzvuwe
Titus Muzvuwe, Zimbabwe

Leaders are not Managers But Managers Can also Be Leaders

Managers use decree and boast of power given to them by the company whereas leaders emerge for a certain reason. Leaders are futuristic and people driven.They can hear due sipping into the ground, i....

  K.Narayana Moorthy
K.Narayana Moorthy
HR Consultant, India

Characteristics of a Manager versus a Leader

Characteristics of a Manager are: Administers the activitiesMaintains the situationsFocuses on systems and structuresRelies on controlsShort-range viewAsks when and how?Eye on the bottom lineAccepts ...

  Jon Littman
Jon Littman, United Kingdom

The Leadership/Management Dichotomy

I wonder if there is a cultural aspect regarding the difference between leadership and management? In my point of view the relationship is not as clear cut as the binary opposites advocated by some p...

  Dr. Alan Williams
Dr. Alan Williams
Professor, Thailand

Management versus Leadership

Most organizations need manager positions and leader positions and in reality we often see these two different roles within one job description, meaning that sometimes the jobholder puts on his/her ma...

  Pierre Lesage
Pierre Lesage
Student (University), Canada

Manager is a job. Leader is a State of Mind

Manager is a job title. Leader is a state of mind (for him and for the others). So, a Chairman of the Board can be a manager and nothing else and an employee can be a leader....

  Masocha Michael
Masocha Michael
Student (University), Zimbabwe

Leadership is not Linked to an Organisational Position

Leadership is not necessarily related or linked to any organizational position. Leaders tend to think without a box framework whereas managers derive their power from given organisational positions. W...

Director, Spain

Leadership and Management

We manage with the mind and we lead by heart. We need managers who lead. A management position is achieved through study and practice. Leadership is purely emotional. Leadership is the ability to conn...

  Dr. Alan Williams
Dr. Alan Williams
Professor, Thailand

Managers and Leaders

@Pravesh SAWON: Organizations need both managers and leaders. A manager's work has value, and a leader's work has value. But I don't see that leaders should be seen as better than managers, not at all...

Director, Spain

We Need Managers With Leadership Skills

We need managers who lead. Both functions are necessary in the organizations. If we help managers to develop and increase their leadership abilities it would be better for the company. The disquisiti...

  Dr. Chima  .S. Ugwulashi
Dr. Chima .S. Ugwulashi

Manager and Leader

Managers and/or leaders are important in any organization. They are different capacities that work for the sustenance of the organization: The manager remains as resource base that ensures the vision...

  Titus Muzvuwe
Titus Muzvuwe, Zimbabwe

Leaders Have Better People Management Skills Than Managers

Even if leaders have better people management skills than managers. I still think managers at times overdo it, they over-manage so much that the anticipated margins may not come. People need leaders,...

Director, Spain

Managers Being Leaders is Not a Romantic View

@ Jolanta Sz: In my opinion, that is too sharp and deterministic, too emphatic. People are more than that. I think expressions like "never, always", etc., must be used with care. I do not believe that...


Managers versus Leaders

When you mention the word "managers", most people see them as those who are passionate about their work and are task/result oriented, while "leaders" are seen as role models that workers want to follo...

  Jon Littman
Jon Littman, United Kingdom

False Dichotomy

I think I am with Antonio on this one. I very much like the idea that leadership is visceral and emotive; if you cannot reach people, how will they follow? In my opinion there is a trap of separating...

  jorge anibal hoyos hoyos
jorge anibal hoyos hoyos
Manager, Colombia

The Right Manager

All of the points brought forward by the participants at this forum, duly interwoven, in action, produces the right, the real and the best manager, the gnat's whistle (Editor: ~a high quality thing). ...

  Friday O. Ngbodi
Friday O. Ngbodi
Student (MBA), Nigeria

Leaders and Time of Achievement

The discussion is tilting toward morality of leadership which is dangerous. A leader is as good as what he achieved in the office not minding whether it was during war or peace. What counts is the res...

  Ayele Abdata
Ayele Abdata
Director, Ethiopia

Great Difference Between Managers and Leaders

Managers are made and taught; Leaders are born. Managers drive people; Leaders motivate people. Managers love and work to produce followers; Leaders love and work to produce leaders....

  Paul Steele
Paul Steele, Australia

Effective Leadership Requires Efficient Management

@Ayele Abdata: Leaders are far from being born, they are developed through their environment and how their temperament shapes them into the person they are to become. Note that leaders can be either p...


Managers versus Leaders

I agree with Bennis. But I would like to add that leaders develop followers as well. And leadership without followers cannot be observed. Leaders Influence followers with their own personality, stor...

Briolett, Canada

Leaders versus Managers

Leaders can learn to manage, but not all managers have the ability to lead. Leaders provide vision, explore new possibilities, are adaptable to change and tend to have a can-do attitude - it is their ...

  Peter Jetter
Peter Jetter
Coach, Germany

Evidence of Leadership with Positive Outcomes

@Bernhard Keim: I would say Ghandi and Martin Luther King demonstrated leadership with positive outcomes (good/bad judgements depend on your value system). To me Management is about cascading directi...

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

What we Mean by 'Manager' Has Changed!

Thanks all for your many and excellent contributions to this important subject! @Peter Jetter: I agree with you except that I'd like to add a conclusion: in the current (information) age we need a co...

  Peter Jetter
Peter Jetter
Coach, Germany

Management Prefers White Box Approaches, Leadership Values Black Box Control

Another aspect is how you achieve desired outcomes. Management uses white box methods, because it assumes a sufficient understanding of how everything works together from now until any point in the f...

  Bernhard Keim
Bernhard Keim
Business Consultant, Germany

How Leaders and Managers Handle Uncertainty

@Peter Jetter is mentioning an important point. Managing the daily routines successfully provides an apparent security to management that can blindfold them for changes taking place in the environment...

  Ayele Abdata
Ayele Abdata
Director, Ethiopia

Leaders are Raw Materials of Themselves

@Paul Steele has thrown some light on my understanding and insight of leadership. Some leaders are created to lead. Example, the biblical Moses and Joshua of ancient Israel. But most leaders are produ...

  K.Narayana Moorthy
K.Narayana Moorthy
HR Consultant, India

Principles Of Management - A Leader

I agree to disagree with Ayela Abdata. A LEADER is involved in the process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others towards the achievement of established goal. He allows the execute...

  Danford Mapp
Danford Mapp, Trinidad and Tobago

Managers versus Leaders

@JACK COOK: I appreciate your comments Jack and I think that the issue of what kind of power is being used is indeed the key. As you have noted the Managers versus Leaders debate has been going on, a...

  Javier Elenes
Javier Elenes
Business Consultant, Mexico

A Leader PULLS, a Manager PUSHES

@Danford Mapp: Consider also these 2 key words: A Manager PUSHES: moves the organization to a mission defined by him measuring real versus goal and rewarding and or punishing a good bad performance, ...

Consultant, United States

Managers & Leaders

Thank you, Danford Mapp, for your kind words. And your short list of distinguishing characteristics of managers & leaders is a good list. Perhaps one question may provide additional insight: are a ma...

  K.Narayana Moorthy
K.Narayana Moorthy
HR Consultant, India

Managing versus Leading

In my view, the differences between managing & leading are as follows: - Managing is function while Leading is relationship. - Managing is planning while Leading is selecting talent. - Managing is ...

  Mends Wiafe
Mends Wiafe
CEO, Ghana

David Wilson's Comment in Managers and Leaders

@David Wilson: It is very difficult to find people who are considered manager-leader or leader manager these days. Probably the only place maybe in the sole proprietorship business. Even here at the e...

  Dr. Alan Williams
Dr. Alan Williams
Professor, Thailand

Combinations of Manager and Leader Skills

In many ways I agree with @David Wilson that plenty of candidates are good at both. Overall I would summarize as follows: - Many jobs do have both managerial & leadership responsibilities. Simply bec...

  Chandia Peter
Chandia Peter, Uganda

Managers versus Leaders

Managers 'do things right', because they follow clearly laid out procedures of an organisation. As opposed to Leaders who are more original and objective in their thinking and perception. They focus ...

  K.Narayana Moorthy
K.Narayana Moorthy
HR Consultant, India

Managers Versus Leaders

In addition to details already given above - following is further added: Normally managers ask: 'What Problem has to be solved?' and 'What are the best ways to achieve results? '- so that people will...

  Danford Mapp
Danford Mapp, Trinidad and Tobago

Managers versus Leaders

Team, so many valuable points are being made here and the discussion continues… I wonder sometimes if we are not over-thinking it. My foundational principles are these: 1. Leaders and managers are no...

  Francois Laenen
Francois Laenen
Manager, Syria

Leading & Managing

People follow leaders, you can see this by voting. Voters do not know if their leaders are skilled managers, they just follow them and believe that their actions are good for them. Managers are not f...

CEO, Ghana

Differences Between Leaders and Managers

Leadership can be distinguished from managership as they are motivated by or at least observed with different behavioral models. While leaders are team oriented and thus follow a group's own goals, ma...

  Fathazia Lenyatso
Fathazia Lenyatso
Manager, Botswana

Manager versus Leader

@Nafisa khatoon: Indeed a manager ensures that work processes are well organized and progress smoothly. He maintains the status quo. He manages processes to ensure compliance. The leader leads people,...


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More on Principles of Management
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Are Fayol's 14 Management Principles Still Relevant Today?
topic What is Management? Art, Science, …?
topic What is Organisational Hierarchy?
topic Management Requires Patience
topic How to Remember the 14 Principles by Fayol?
topic Best Ever Developed on Management
topic The 10 Principles of Urwick
👀Managers versus Leaders
topic Risks in Fayol's 14 Principles of Management
topic Evolution of Management
topic Good and Bad Managers...
topic POLICE Acronym in Management
topic Delegation: How to Delegate Effectively?
topic Need for Employees' Welfare in the Principles
topic Managers: Born or Made?
topic Fayol's 5 Management Roles (Functions)
topic Add #15 Principle: Conformity to the Basic Origin
topic What is Prevoyance? Explanation
topic Difficulties to Apply 14 Principles of Henri Fayol
topic #14. Team Spirit / Esprit de Corps-principle (Fayol)
topic Is Management an Inexact Science?
topic Organizational Efficiency or Effectiveness?
topic Which of Fayol's 14 Principles is Most Important?
topic (Why) Do we Need Managers?
topic Manager in Conflict with Top Management...
topic Difference between Adminstration and Management
topic #6. Subordination of Individual Interest-principle (Fayol)
topic Abuse of Delegation | Misuse of Delegating
topic #1: Division of Work/Labor-principle (Fayol)
topic #5. Unity of Direction-principle of Fayol
topic #9. Hierarchy (Scalar Chain)-principle (Fayol)
topic #4. Unity of Command-principle (Fayol)
topic A Good Organization Run by Monkeys
topic Exactly Where are the 14 Principles of Fayol Located?
topic Management Mantras
topic Are Fayol's Principles of Management also applicable to non-profit organizations?
topic Books by Henri Fayol on Management
🔥 Using Fayol's Principles of Management as a Checklist
Special Interest Group

More on Principles of Management
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Are Fayol's 14 Management Principles Still Relevant Today?
topic What is Management? Art, Science, …?
topic What is Organisational Hierarchy?
topic Management Requires Patience
topic How to Remember the 14 Principles by Fayol?
topic Best Ever Developed on Management
topic The 10 Principles of Urwick
👀Managers versus Leaders
topic Risks in Fayol's 14 Principles of Management
topic Evolution of Management
topic Good and Bad Managers...
topic POLICE Acronym in Management
topic Delegation: How to Delegate Effectively?
topic Need for Employees' Welfare in the Principles
topic Managers: Born or Made?
topic Fayol's 5 Management Roles (Functions)
topic Add #15 Principle: Conformity to the Basic Origin
topic What is Prevoyance? Explanation
topic Difficulties to Apply 14 Principles of Henri Fayol
topic #14. Team Spirit / Esprit de Corps-principle (Fayol)
topic Is Management an Inexact Science?
topic Organizational Efficiency or Effectiveness?
topic Which of Fayol's 14 Principles is Most Important?
topic (Why) Do we Need Managers?
topic Manager in Conflict with Top Management...
topic Difference between Adminstration and Management
topic #6. Subordination of Individual Interest-principle (Fayol)
topic Abuse of Delegation | Misuse of Delegating
topic #1: Division of Work/Labor-principle (Fayol)
topic #5. Unity of Direction-principle of Fayol
topic #9. Hierarchy (Scalar Chain)-principle (Fayol)
topic #4. Unity of Command-principle (Fayol)
topic A Good Organization Run by Monkeys
topic Exactly Where are the 14 Principles of Fayol Located?
topic Management Mantras
topic Are Fayol's Principles of Management also applicable to non-profit organizations?
topic Books by Henri Fayol on Management
🔥 Using Fayol's Principles of Management as a Checklist
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Principles of Management

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